Bishop Clark W.P. Lowenfield (ACNA)

The Rt. Rev. Clark W.P. Lowenfield is married to Tricia, and they have three daughters (Nancy Page, Mary Moore, and Catherine Clare) and two sons-in-law. He has served as senior pastor of churches in South Carolina and Texas for over 30 years. Besides serving as Senior Pastor of HopePointe, Bishop Clark also oversees the Anglican Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast, is founder and director of the Simeon Society (which exists to train, equip, and send out laypeople within Anglican contexts in the disciple-making process), and is also a leader in the One Mission Fellowship of churches in the Montgomery County area. He is a graduate of Amherst College with degrees in Political Science and Economics and the University of the South School of Theology in Sewanee, Tennessee with a Master of Divinity.




Date published

August 19, 2019